On Friday 21 December 2007 12:48, Uri Guttman wrote:

> what about perl 5.10 as a topic for the next meeting?

I am rewriting my little CD ripper program (geared toward people who care 
about audio metadata more than the average guy, especially those with large 
collections of classical music), and had reached a point where I was running 
out of lazy options to implement the functionality I wanted.

Especially for track title parsing, where 5.8 regexes were not cutting it, I 
was considering options like wrapping the matching code in (ugly, 
non-generic) logic, or using Parse::RecDescent or even some flavor of Perl 6 
regexes (Perl6::Rules, kp6, etc.). With named backreferences/captures, and 
named patterns, things are suddenly becoming much easier and satisfying.

I can also see places in the code where other 5.10 features will be 
useful, like the switch statements, say or others.

So I will have some real code to show by January 8th, both for 
illustration and for critique, perhaps worth a half hour of discussion. In 
truth, with all the new regex functionality we could fill a couple of 
meetings easily. Just how much code I will have is not clear, because with 
two brand new babies at home, things are very unpredictable, and some days I 
get absolutely nothing done besides mere survival, heh. But I have already 
implemented a complete basic grammar for classical music titles that uses 
named captures, and have also run into a couple of issues that could be 
interesting to discuss.

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