On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Tolkin, Steve wrote:

> I want to reconstruct the underlying list.  In other words the order of
> the elements agrees in all the lists, but there is no sort condition.
> Example:
> List 1: dog, cat, mouse
> List 2: dog, shark, mouse, elephant
> There are 2 possible outputs, and I do not care which one I get.

Out of curiosity, does it have to handle something like this?

List 1: dog, cat, mouse
List 2: dog, shark, mouse, elephant
List 3: apple, pear, orange

That is, "outliers", I guess. 

Or this?

List 1: dog, cat, mouse
List 2: dog, shark, mouse, elephant
List 3: elephant, dog

That is, "loops", I guess.

Seems like edge cases like that could make this non-determistic.

Chris Devers
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