On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I was thinking the same.
> >   There is one really good online 'book' and a good supplement, and a
> well reviewed pay-pdf,
> and a real book or too, plus some hourlong youtubes of folks you know
> somewhere you know, and other stuff.
> > which will be in my followup message Wednesday,
> or even sooner

  Git resources on the web Key pages




   http://git-scm.com/ *Project home page*


   = Documentation/user-manual.txt


   *GitHub* - “Secure source code hosting and collaborative
development - Online project hosting using Git. Includes source-code
browser, in-line editing, and patching. Free for public open-source
code up to 100MB.




   *GitReady* - Small bite-size Tips and more Links categorized nicely

 Books & Reference

*Git Community Book*


   http://book.git-scm.com/  =   http://alx.github.com/gitbook/index.html .


   “This book has been built by dozens of people in the Git community,
and is meant to help you learn how to use Git as ...


   read *online html* or download *pdf*


   recommended pairing:


      the object model chapter of above


      combined with  http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~cduan/technical/git/
<http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/%7Ecduan/technical/git/> which has better
explanation of- better branching

*Version Control with Git,* 1st Edition,  Jon Loeliger,: *O'Reilly*
Media, Inc., Pub. Date: 2009/*05/15*


    http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/3596 http://isbn.nu/9780596520120


   in RoughCuts now on Safari http://my.safaribooksonline.com/9780596158187


      Same author's article *Git for small projects*: Jon Loeliger,
“Don't let the kernel elite bamboozle you with their fancy merges,
rebasing, and project history tricks.”

*Pragmatic Version Control Using Git, *The Pragmatic Bookshelf


   “Whether you’re just starting out as a professional programmer or
are an old hand, this book will get you started using Git in this new
distributed world. ...”


   *not sure I believe one book can be first to market and sercve all users!*


   http://www.pragprog.com/titles/tsgit   http://isbn.nu/9781934356159


   author's blog

*Git Internals. Peepcode*


   *http://peepcode.com/products/git-internals-pdf    $9 download*


   “you have a better chance of developing an intuition of git by
reading about its internals, so I read "*Git Internals*", but while
the book started off good at explaining the more basic internals (the
elegance of storing complete snapshots, rather than diffs; , it fell
short once it started talking about branching and  merging, and never
really tied that back to the underlying functionality.”


   "There is a new book on Peepcode that covers git pretty deeply and
in a way that is more easily digestible for the non-Linux hacker."

Commentary and further Explanation






   http://tomayko.com/writings/the-thing-about-git “I stumbled upon
this article the other day, and it's a fun read and really highlights
some of the things I like about git.” - Steve


    *Git for Computer Scientists *: . “Quick introduction to git
internals for people who are not scared by words like Directed Acyclic
Graph” http://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/


   *git-from-the-bottom-up*   similar to above Git4CS but even more detail,


   *git: a transcriptional database* -- “Anyway what I think that was
about is the question why git's internals are so interesting and those
of other scms not. ...

 Slides & Talks

*Open Source Collaboration With Git And Git Hub*
Small; Git Internals: Blobs main.<checksum>; Git Internals: Trees; Git
Internals: Commits; Git Internals:
*YouTube - Git*
60 min - Oct 26, 2007 -
Google Tech TalksOctober, 12 2007ABSTRACTWhen you have hundreds of
people simultaneously patching 25000 files of the Linux Kernel in
*YouTube - Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git*
70 min - May 14, 2007 -
Linus Torvalds visits Google to share his thoughts on git, the source
control management system he created two years
*YouTube - Contributing with Git*
57 min - Oct 27, 2008 -
Google Tech TalksOctober 27, 2008ABSTRACTSource code versioning is an
invaluable tool for software development:- users can easily track the
*YouTube -  Randal Schwartz on Git*
Google Tech Talk:

Specific Platform support notes

*Gnu/Linux – your package manager has  git *because it's used by the
Linux Kernel Devs.
*Nokia N810* - it's been done,but haven't seen a non-source link
*Windows* There are apparently three options, msysgit cygwin and
TortoiseGVN/Git. Tortoise for Git was reported scrapped, but appears
to be active again.http://www.google.com/search?q=git%20windows
"for WIndows *only* environments [not using GitHub] at least the
"anointed" server should run the cygwin version. The cyginw version is
a bit of a pain to install -- not as simple as clicking a setup.exe
somewhere :)" Sitaram C,



understanding Rebase in DVCS - -
 [*That's Hg and Bzr; didn't bother to check the others -- they're
irrelevant -* Sitaram
 "*please relax*"http://rg03.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/mercurial-vs-git/
See  last section on *github* v *bitbucket*.
*BugTracking on GitHub* - *Ovid* - “It's not intuitive, but you
go to your project, click on the 'admin' tab and then click on the
'service hooks' tab:
It's my understanding that most use Lighthouse hooks for the bug tracking.
*Ack* project discussion http://betterthangrep.com/

n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com

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