First of all, I really appreciated Steve's presentation on git
yesterday.  It encouraged me to finally play around with git.

In the process, I've come to a different conclusion on usage of the
.gitignore file then was stated during the meeting.  It was suggested
that you should put .gitignore in your .gitignore file.  I think that
you should consider explicitly adding/commiting .gitignore to your
(master?) repository.   By doing so, every time a clone of the
repository is made a project specific .gitignore file will be
retrieved for use in the clone.  If you have a complicated build
process that generates lots of temp files/directories having a
prepopulated .gitignore file is a good thing.

The downside is that if an individual developer has a personal
workflow which generates other temp files, if they add those files to
those idiosyncratic changes will eventually be pushed back to the
'master' repository.  (Assuming they commit them in their local
repository so as to get a clean 'git status' output.)  One possibility
would appear to be to use the .git/info/exclude file for project wide
exclusions while using .gitignore for developer/private exclusions.  I
came to this conclusion after reading 'git help gitignore'.

Again thanks for the tutorial,
Bill Bogstad

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