So I've been investigating some of the questions asked last night and
come up with some interesting info

For example - renames..

Git does not "track" renames, but the history-reviewing tools can
detect them, because a renamed or moved file will have the same SHA1

So, see the renames I did of Makefile.PL last night, I found that the
following commands work:

  git-whatchanged -M

  git-log --raw -M

  git-diff --diff-filter=RC --find-copies-harder HEAD~2

Also, an example config for hosting a repo on apache where WebDAV is
available (but not mod_git)

<Location /my_repo.git>
  Dav on
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName “My repo with git”
  AuthUserFile /path/to/my_git_repo.passwd
    Require valid-user

WRT using git-daemon: There is *no* authentication in the protocol and
the daemon does not offer any on top of that. I found a very
to-the-point description for why this is:

"The purpose of git-daemon is to allow fast (and bandwidth-saving)
anonymous read-only (fetch) access to git repositories. The ability to
push via git-daemon was added later, and is turned off by default
because it should be used only in special situations."

However, as you have probably seen, git's communication protocol is
easily carried by other protocols that *do* support authentication,
such as ssh, HTTP/DAV, and I'm sure several others. :-)

OK, that's enough for now... Feel free to add to this thread with your
own discoveries and tips, etc, and I will add more myself as I find
new things!

-- Steve Scaffidi <>

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