Haskell: It's like Klingon, but with math!

  "I might as well be looking at Klingon script," said a colleague when
  we were discussing Haskell, the much-admired programming language.
  Reading Haskell requires more than a casual acquaintance with the
  language, due to a programming idiom that emphasizes dense (or, if you
  prefer, concise) expressions, as well as Haskell's syntax, which is
  not part of the ubiquitous C language family.

A short column talking about the virtues of Haskell and how knowing it can benefit your programming skills in other languages, as well as a mini-review of the book, "Real World Haskell."


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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