How about a programming contest of some sort?
Announce a problem to the mailing list before the meeting.
1 book goes to the most obfuscated.
Another book goes to the shortest(perl golf-wise)
Another book goes to the *mumble*. You get the idea.
The meeting could be brief show & tell's
of individual solutions with a vote at the end with prizes awarded.


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:35:50 -0400
From: "Uri Guttman" <>
Subject: [] schwag for next meeting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

hi all,

o'reilly sent me some new books to give out at our next meeting. i have
2 copies of the second edition of system administration with perl. it is
written by david blank-edelman who teaches at northeastern. i heard
something that he may even want to give a talk to us about the
book. bill or i will look into that more.

the other book (1 copy) is the regular expressions cookbook. it has
'detailed solutions in eight programming languages'. those are c#,
vb.crap, java, javascript, perl, python, ruby and php. as with other
cookbooks it is organized by recipes which shows the regex solution to a
problem and then all the variations needed for the different langs.

so we will have to come up with a way to award these books to worthy
pm'ers. any ideas are welcome.



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