For the folks in Davis Square using perl...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Davis Square (summer) tech social?
Date:   Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:27:13 -0400
From:   Mitchell N Charity <>
To:     Boston Ruby Group <>

It's a beautiful day, and waiting at Mike's to order lunch, I was
unsurprised to find the conversation ahead of me to be about Rails
hacking.  Davis Square has quite a concentration of tech companies, and
of tech folk otherwise living nearby.

Last summer we talked about doing some kind of social activity in Davis
Square, either at lunch, or after work.  Lacking a champion, it never
gelled.  Another summer, another opportunity.

In the interest of being agile, I suggest an initial meet, lunch
Wednesday July 7 12:00 at Mike's (for the windows, and outside seating).

Actually, what I'd like to say is I've easily created lightweight social
networking site davistechsocial.mumble, with an extremely low barrier to
entry, and neat features including realtime "a couple of us from X are
heading over to the Burren in an hour, all are welcome".  But here in
the not quite future... sigh.[1]

(q) Any thoughts on Davis Square tech socialness?

(q) Mike's on Wednesday?

(q) Suggestions on lightweight social infrastructure?

Other thoughts?

(aside: I've encountered yet another local professional rails
developer... who has never been to a bostonrb meeting.  So I reraise the
issue that perhaps we should be brainstorming how we might better serve
such folks.)
(aside2: Hey, I'm back to looking for a job, after a few months of "oh,
no I'm not - got funding extension".  More on this later perhaps.)


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