(PARDON THE DUP - some folks filters autofile announcements if via
both at once, not sure if single delivery or cross-match)

Next Tech Meeting
Tuesday, July 13th (potponed from June 8), 2010 MIT E51-376
   * Steve S (hercynium)'s 'Getting out of CPAN dependency hell, and
staying out.'

As seen at YAPC::NA

RSVP count will be taken early afternoon Tuesday so CIDC, our kind
sponsors (still I hope?), can place order. RSVP on list or direct to me.

* Tech Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at MIT
[(directions) http://boston.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?MITDirections ].
** *NOTE* - Lately the lot has filled early, overflow is to Hayward
lots (avoid MEDICAL RESERVED spaces!). See above
** Suggestions for future meetings solicited on Topics page [
http://boston.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?TechMeetingTopics ]

n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com

n1...@arrl.net bill.n1...@gmail.com

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