As a sub-thread to this topic, there are languages
you should NOT learn. Having worked in Ada and VHDL for
about six years, I'd say that Ada is sort of like Cthulhu:
The more you know Ada, the more likely you are to go insane.

> I don't think anyone has mentioned Haskell yet in this thread.  One of the
> major Perl 6 implementations is done in Haskell, so it could be relevant
> from that angle.
> Also, I would second those who suggest Clojure as a great language to
> learn.
> Rob
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Asa Martin <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Hope this isn't too off-topic, but I've relocated to the Boston area
>> recently and am looking for a job. I've been a Perl hacker since the
>> late
>> 90s and consider it my first (and still favorite) language. However, I'd
>> like to update my skillset to include some other languages. I've worked
>> in
>> the past using some PHP and JavaScript and have a casual knowledge of
>> Python
>> and Ruby. I've also done a fair about of SQL.
>> Any suggestions from this group as to what would make sense to put
>> effort
>> into learning next to make myself more marketable in the Boston area?
>> Should I try and learn Java? If so, any recommendations as to
>> books/tutorials?
>> What about Ruby or Python? Would those be useful together with Perl or
>> are
>> they usually mutually exclusive?
>> Anything else?
>> I don't want to start a language war as to what language is
>> "theoretically
>> best", but instead wondering what languages are "practically best",
>> i.e.,
>> most often coupled (or tripled, etc.) with Perl in this area.
>> Of course, actual job offers are welcome too ;-)
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Asa
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