John Redford first wrote:
> But JavaScript is a great scripting language if one wants ...
> no political baggage, no weirdly advocating user community,

John Redford then wrote:
> Just like Perl has CPAN, JavaScript has "code you find on the Internet".
> It's not as catchy sounding, but it works the same and
> ***it's more egalitarian.***

> What's wrong with third-party code?  Why should JavaScript tell
> people the only way to do things.  JavaScript is simply allowing
> their user community to come up with solutions and use them.
> There is a lot of lively, active development and many clever ideas.
> ***Like Perl used to be.***

I don't know nothing about JavaScript.
But what you just wrote sounds like political baggage
and someone weirdly advocating for JavaScript.

I have found that programmers and engineers -sometimes-
are unable to see their subjective inclinations for a
language (or hardware system, or whatever), and think
their preference boils down to a purely objective set
of measures that *prove* it is a better language (or system,
or whatever).

I'm starting to come to the belief that listing the
merits and demerits of a programming langauge is about
as useful as writing a review for a restaurant.
A good review might cause some new people to go to the
restuaraunt. But for the most part, people eat where
they're used to eating, where they know the other
customers and the wait staff, where they can get
food they know, and at a place where they know all the
ins and outs needed to know to find cheap parking,
and not accidentally park someplace that will get them towed.

I don't particularly mind the conversation about javascript,
or other languages someone might want to learn. I've learned
a few things myself, so I can't complain.

But I like perl. I'm used to perl. I know what's on the menu.
I know where to park. I know a lot of the wait staff. And
I know a lot of the customers. I know that the Object Oriented
special that's on the menu isn't perfect, but it'll do for me.

Anything you say about how JavaScript is better than Perl,
I would suggest you keep in mind that you're talking to
a bunch of people who are regulars at the perl bar,
and who aren't likely to change just because you say that
the restaurant isn't "like it used to be".

People choose their language for objective and subjective reasons.
It's good to keep that in mind. Because if you realize
that it's true about other people, maybe you'll remember its
true about yourself.

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