On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 19:02, Ronald J Kimball <r...@tamias.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 02:36:40PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
>> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 22:41, Nick Patch <n...@atemoya.net> wrote:
>> > use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );
>> >
>> > cmpthese(-2, {
>> >    assign => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = "foo/$x" },
>> >    substr => sub { my $x = 'bar'; substr $x, 0, 0, 'foo/' },
>> >    lvalue => sub { my $x = 'bar'; substr($x, 0, 0) = 'foo/' },
>> >                                                                  });
>> Oddly(?) join() is 20% faster than assignment:
>> ...
>>    join   => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = join('/', 'foo', 'bar') },
>>    oooscf => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = File::Spec->catfile($x, 'bar') },
>>    fnoscf => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = catfile($x, 'bar') },
> You're not benchmarking the right behavior.  In particular, your join sub
> is not using $x in the call to join.
>    join   => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = join('/', 'foo', $x) },
>    oooscf => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = File::Spec->catfile('foo', $x) },
>    fnoscf => sub { my $x = 'bar'; $x = catfile('foo', $x) },

Yes, sorry, code paste fail. The results paste was right though :)

As penance, here's an exploration of O(n) versus, er, not...

Do the benchmarks but with a repetition which mirrors how larger
output in general is built. *join is the only one that's linear*, and
substr, while the winner on smaller n, takes a severe beating as the
string length goes up. The naive assignment sucks but not as horribly.


use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );
use Devel::Leak;
use File::Spec;
use File::Spec::Functions;

sub concat_bm {
    my $count = shift;
    cmpthese(-2, {
       assign => sub { my $x = 'bar'; for (1..$count) { $x = "foo/$x" } },
       substr => sub { my $x = 'bar'; for (1..$count) { substr $x, 0,
0, 'foo/' } },
       lvalue => sub { my $x = 'bar'; for (1..$count) { substr($x, 0,
0) = 'foo/' } },
       join   => sub { my $x = 'bar'; my @foos = ('foo') x $count; {
$x = join('/', @foos, $x) } },

my $count = Devel::Leak::NoteSV($handle);

           Rate lvalue assign   join substr
lvalue 311229/s     --    -3%   -32%   -41%
assign 321920/s     3%     --   -30%   -39%
join   458335/s    47%    42%     --   -13%
substr 526317/s    69%    63%    15%     --
          Rate lvalue assign substr   join
lvalue 26302/s     --   -11%   -30%   -55%
assign 29466/s    12%     --   -22%   -49%
substr 37574/s    43%    28%     --   -35%
join   57931/s   120%    97%    54%     --
         Rate lvalue substr assign   join
lvalue  660/s     --    -7%   -56%   -89%
substr  710/s     8%     --   -52%   -88%
assign 1490/s   126%   110%     --   -75%
join   6002/s   809%   746%   303%     --
         Rate lvalue substr assign   join
lvalue 7.73/s     --    -0%   -67%   -99%
substr 7.73/s     0%     --   -67%   -99%
assign 23.3/s   202%   202%     --   -96%
join    570/s  7270%  7270%  2341%     --


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