I've just finished 2 weeks of packaging a ton of CPAN modules into
rpms.  Before that I had never touched the format.  So I have some
recent very direct experience with packaging rpms, from the point of
view of a novice.

My first reaction is to ask why you would want this?  To use it you
have to understand how spec files work, and the raw spec format is not
complicated.  Plus to use it you have to abandon the toolchain that a
lot of people have worked on.

This kind of thing just makes you learn a slightly different syntax,
and can keep you from doing what you need to do.

For example the module that you just pointed at does not support
important tags including Requires, BuildRequires and Obsoletes.
Likely because having a hash makes it hard to handle repeated
dependencies.  That makes it very hard to properly manage requirements
and dependencies when you're doing a lot of modules, or if things have
changed their names.

It also provides no way to do #defines.  Which means that if you're
packaging a CPAN module that conditionally requires (say)
Win32::TieRegistry, then rpmbuild will pick that up as a dependency,
and you'll *never* be able to fix it.  (The workaround for this is
kind of a mess, pass the --no-requires flag to cpan2rpm then study its
spec file to see how to do it.)

In short you're putting yourself in serious handcuffs that you *will*
need for the sake of not learning a fairly simple syntax.  Really, it
is not worth it.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 6:35 AM, James Eshelman <ja...@nova-sw.com> wrote:
> I’ve looked over the CPAN modules that allow running RPM builds from Perl.   
> RPM::Make::DWIW  seems to be the best choice there, although too new (2010) 
> to have any reviews.  I’m just curious if anyone on this list has any 
> experience with it (or one of the alternatives) that they’d care to share.
> TIA,
> Jim
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