On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Mike Small <sma...@panix.com> wrote:
> Ben Tilly <bti...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I've just come up with a better answer to this question.  If I was a
>> C/C++ programmer this would have been obvious to me before, and it
>> solves a bunch of annoyances for me at once.
>> #ifndef UTIL_H
>> #define UTIL_H
>> #include <string>
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> #include <stdarg.h>
>> std::string stringf(const char * format_str, ...) {
>>   va_list arg_list;
>>   char * c_string;
>>   va_start(arg_list, format_str);
>>   vasprintf(&c_string, format_str, arg_list);
>>   std::string answer = std::string(c_string);
>>   free(c_string);
>>   va_end(arg_list);
>>   return answer;
>> }
>> namespace {
>>   int tests = 0;
>>   int next_test () {
>>     return ++tests;
>>   }
>>   int current_test () {
>>     return tests;
>>   }
>> }
>> void ok (bool is_ok, const char * description, ...) {
>>   std::string status
>>     = stringf("%s %d", is_ok ? "ok" : "not ok", next_test());
> #include <sstream>
> ...
> void ok (bool is_ok, const char * description, ...) {
>   ostringstream oss_status;
>   oss_status << (is_ok ? "ok " : "not ok ") << next_test();
>   va_list arg_list;
>   char * c_string;
>   va_start(arg_list, description);
>   vasprintf(&c_string, description, arg_list);
>   va_end(arg_list);
>   printf("%s: %s\n", oss_status.str().c_str(), c_string);
>   free(c_string);
> }

I am deliberately trying to follow something fairly close to the
Google C++ style.  Hence not using streams for this was entirely

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