*Welcome back to Autumn!*

*MIT* has announced that they are *not* restoring Open Campus post-plaugue,
so we'll be Pure Virtual until we find a new real-world home.
If we want to do *in-person socials,* an outdoors food venue would probably
be a good choice for the time being.

Our custom domain points to a Bad Place. (A Ticket has been Opened to
repoint it somewhere nicer.)
Meantime you can find our homepage at
*https://boston-pm.github.io/ <https://boston-pm.github.io/> *
*We have a pair of live remote speakers for October ! *
We continue to cross-promote meetings with Charlotte PM and Boston Linux
Tuesday, Sept 13, 7pm ET 🇺🇸 Boston PM - (tentatively) What’s new in Perl

A group discussion of the latest perldelta

This is a JitSi meeting. The secure URL will be computed next week by this

perl -MDigest::SHA=sha1_hex -MPOSIX=strftime -le 'print strftime
"%Y/%m/%d week %U", localtime; $date=strftime "Y%Y W%U", localtime;
print $date; print

(and will likely be posted here just in time, and MeetUp for RSVPs only)

(And next month we’ll have coming attractions!)
Weds, Sept 21, BLU - Annual Cryptology News + History - Quantum Crypto
update - Bill R

Boston.PM’s Bill Ricker will as usually be the entertainment for the BLU
September meeting <http://blu.org/cgi-bin/calendar/2022-sep>. The tradition
of an annual Cryptography/Cryptananlsis/Cryptology News Update and
Historical Vignette originated with hosting a PGP Key-signing part, but has
survived that ceremony. I have done about half of the talks
<http://blu.org/cgi-bin/calendar/speakers/b-ricker1>; most of those
meetings have attached YouTube video and slide materials.
(*The audio quality is perhaps dubious prior to the Plague era as BLU had a
camera but not a wireless mic.*)

The featured news story in 2022 will be update on progress (& controversy)
on Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Cryptanalysis (and how that’s
different from Quantum Cryptography).
Weds Sept 28, 6pm ET Charlotte PM co-host with Charlotte Python

In person meeting, co-host with Charlotte Python MeetUp; *stream*
possibilities are *TBD*, title TBA. Check MeetUp
<https://www.meetup.com/charlotte-pm/events/> (or Py
<https://www.meetup.com/python-charlotte/>) for late breaking details.
Tuesday, Oct 11, Boston PM: Ovid+LeoNerd on Corinna - OO in Perl5 Core

We’ll have live remote guests *Curtis “Ovid” Poe* and *Paul “PEVANS
<https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS>/LeoNerd <http://www.leonerd.org.uk/>”

“For #perl devs wondering how the Corinna #oop project is going,
@cpan_pevans is now working on stage 1 of the accepted portion of the RFC.
I’ve put that in the repo so you can follow along”
@OvidPerl 2022-08-18

Ovid is the architect and Paul is the lead developer for adding a new
object-oriented system called Corinna† (formerly & confusingly “Cor” into
Perl 5 Core. They’ve had an open community process to develop an RFC or
proposal and prototype, but until recently, without commitment for the Perl
5 Porters (P5P) to actually implement it in Perl 5. Over the summer, P5P
have approved the initial Stage 1 integration into Perl Core. While we’ve
had 20+ years of new OO packages for Perl5 since 5.0, this is the first
actual (as opposed to proposed) overhaul of the *core* OO system in Perl 5.

PEVANS’s compatible, non-Core, prototype is Object::Pad

Ovid’s recent writing on Corinna are on his blog

The Corinna project <https://github.com/Ovid/Cor> has a wiki
<https://github.com/Ovid/Cor/wiki> and the RFC
<https://github.com/Ovid/Cor#rfc> that proposed adding Corinna to Perl 5
Core, and the P5P-accepted Stage 1 Minimal Viable Product RFC
<https://github.com/Ovid/Cor/blob/master/rfc/mvp.md>. His 2021 editorial
<https://dev.to/ovid/bringing-modern-oo-to-perl-51ak> explains the
difference between Moose (*et al*), Stevan Little’s Moxie, and Corinna.

Damian Conway posted an exultation
<https://dev.to/ovid/bringing-modern-oo-to-perl-51ak> last month for the
P5P approval of the Stage 1 MVP RFC.

† *Corinna* is a classical allusion in connection to Curtis’s pseudonym
*Ovid*, which explains the classical (and otherwise potentially NSFW) image
on the MVP RFC tweet.

   - Meetings hosted by Boston.PM are in meet.Jit.si and on 2d Tuesday.
   - Meetings hosted by Charlotte.PM <https://www.meetup.com/charlotte-pm/>
   are in Zoom and on Last Wednesdays.
   - Meetings hosted by Boston Linux Unix (http://blu.org) are in Jitsi and
   on 3d Wednesday.

(*If you need to hear my rant about why Zoom’s “fixes” are inadequate, ask
me off-list. Or watch my BLU Cryptology History & News annual report for
the last decade.*)
JITSI notes

Jitsi <https://meet.jit.si> is a Free/Libre OSS project sponsored by 8x8
(an Atlassian spin-off). It is the freemium base for their added-value
corporate meeting & VOIP platform. As FLOSS, it can be self-hosted; they
provide a free demo server. We will currently be using the free demo
server, but may migrate to a hosted server (where we can set defaults,

Natick FOSS group has an updated 5-page Jitsi Help .pdf file
<http://runeman.org/articles/natick-foss/jitsi/jitsi-2022-09-05.pdf>, and
you can practice beforehand. (They meet 1st Thursdays, online, early
afternoon - (semi)retired users.)

One can use plain web mode, but you can install the browser plug-in if you
like (recommended if sharing slides or terminal). There are also iOS
(iPhone/iPad) and Android Jitsi apps <https://jitsi.org/downloads/> which
work well.

JITSI keyboard shortcuts

JITSI scales fine to more people in face-sharing Brady-Bunch / Hollywood
Squares mode than you can easily see at once (30ish) and if folks turn off
their cameras when just listening/talking, i.e. when not
commenting/presenting, it scales much higher. (If we later get more folks
than will comfortably fit in Jitsi, we can set up a stream to YouTubeLive
or some other platform … or upgrade to a proper panelist platform feeding a
stream, but the “seminar” quality of Jitsi is fine for our level of

I will routinely mute those not presenting so you’ll usually need to unmute
to comment. Hint: Space-bar is push to talk, M is mute/unmute (on
phone/tablet it’s the skeuomorphic microphone, avoid the handset hangup

Bill Ricker

Boston-pm mailing list

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