Yes, I have seen this go wrong and cause the apex to never be picked
up by the phone at all. The consequences were not diar, but they did
involve a reset that caused the user to have to re-install license
files. Besides, this goes against the instructions that everyone seems
to use, and even against the instructions on the hw site.
Yes, I am also annoyed at the less-than-elegant way iOS detects an
apex, but it is a minor inconvenience compared to what you can do once
the two devices are linked. I have always wanted to rename a device
"apex000123", even if it isn't an apex, and see what happens...

On 4/17/12, Grant Hardy <> wrote:
> Joseph and Alex,
> Why did you not think that the procedure would work if you initiated
> the pairing from the Apex? Have some people tried this and found that
> there were dire consequences?
> Joseph does seem to be correct, however, that the Apex has to be named
> Apex000000, where the six zeros are the last six digits of your serial
> number (or, presumably, six random numbers). This is a bit annoying
> since I don't like my device to be named thus, and I would have
> thought there was a more sophisticated way of detecting the device,
> but there you go.
> Grant

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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