"J. van Baardwijk" wrote:
> At 15:21 22-10-2002 -0700, Matt Grimaldi wrote:
> > > Have you noticed that nobody (except me and DB) have criticised JDG for
> > > his behaviour? Why do you think that is?
> >
> >First off, that implies that nobody's said anything about this thread,
> >which is very untrue.
> That is not what it is saying (or implying). It is an observation that
> nobody (except me and DB) have criticised JDG for his behaviour. I know
> that others have commented on the thread, but their comments did not
> include criticism of JDG's behaviour.
> Jeroen "Casual observations" van Baardwijk

The way it was phrased left that impression in my mind,
and suggested a series of thoughts which were, oh, let's
say unflattering, that the rest of the list should feel
guilty for not doing exactly what you thought they should,
and so on, it gets worse from there.

What positive thing were you trying to accomplish by saying that?
I certainly can't think of any.

-- Matt

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