----- Original Message -----
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Question for everyone

> At 21:21 24-10-2002 -0500, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > > The eventual accomplishment would be John Giorgis cleaning up his act
> > > and starting to behave like a civilised adult.
> >
> >Whatever it was that John did (long forgotten by almost everyone by now)
> That would mean that I am one of very few people on this list who have a
> *functioning* short-term memory...

No...........It means that most people on this list forgive small human
errors, errors of judgement, and general silliness, while they take notice
of intentional attempts to disrupt the list and/or force people to have a
particular opinion.

> >it certainly didnt call for the endless fits spits and pity parties the
> >list is subjected to.......by you.
> Well, if Giorgis would actually behave like a decent, civilised person,
> there would be no reason for me to criticise his behaviour. But
> unfortunately...

Johns behavior is the business of the list at large to some degree, but not
your business in particular.
*You* cannot control Johns behavior in any substantial way, but you do have
total control of *your* behavior.

Maybe you havent noticed but you are talking about John and everyone else is
talking about you. Conversations like this do not work well.

> And you have not even seen all of it; you should read the bullshit I have
> received off-list from him over the years. Believe me, arrogant stuff like
> "What part of stripping "Brin" from subject headers didn't you
> is pretty much the least aggressive of his off-list posts. (That line was
> the subject header of an otherwise empty post, received a few days ago
> after I had forgotten to remove the word "Brin" from the subject header of
> one of my posts).

Do you really think anyone cares about your and Johns offlist jousting?
Your bloated sense of self importance is reaching comical proportions.
Geez Jeroen, get a grip!

> >Your childish and churlish behavior is far worse than anything you have
> >accused John of.
> So, criticising someone for is misbehaviour is worse than the misbehaviour
> itself?

Not at all. But the incessant ranting about it is worse.
Early on you might have had some justification, but now it looks like a bad
habit or an addiction.

It appears you want to modify his behavior into leaving the list.

> >After about 2 years of this you should have some clue as to how
> >your bitching is and how completely unrealistic your expectations are.
> I think my "bitching" (more correctly: my criticism) is quite reasonable.
> But as for my expectations, you are right: it is completely unrealistic to
> expect that Giorgis will ever improve his attitude, get down from his high
> horse and start behaving like an intelligent, mature and civilised person.

Let me repeat this: You can only control your own behavior, and it is the
only behavior you are responsible for.
Let the listowners handle misbehaviors. Its not your responsiblity and
pre-empting the listowners prerogatives will eventually cause you more
trouble than its worth.

> >I am interested in hearing diverse opinions, even those that I find
> >antagonistic to my worldview, so I can appreciate what you bring to
> >political discussions. But when you go off on John  with such zeal, with
> >unasked for frequency,
> The frequence of my criticism happens to equal the frequency with which
> Giorgis shows his usual questionable behaviour. So, essentially, if you
> want things to improve you will have to get him to shape up.

That sounds distinctly like a threat!
If indeed that is a threat, I *will* be the first to call for your removal
from the list.
I like you Jeroen, but there is a limit to tolerance.
You bring shame upon this list.

> >and unfortunate poor judgement,
> What poor judgement? Have I been having the wrong impressions about
> Giorgis?

I think so.
It seems to me that you take these things far too personally.
I think that both you and John have good intentions, but you in particular
seem to have revenge in mind for past events and cant seem to let it go.
Let - It - Go!

> He regularly shows arrogance, refuses to answer questions, refuses
> to back his claims, tends to launch personal attacks, etcetera. Should I
> have considered all that to be *acceptable*, perhaps even *desirable*
> behaviour, rather than considering it unwanted behaviour?

Do you think *I* always agree with John?
How is it  that I find myself able to be tolerant to both of you?
How about the rest of the list?

> Jeroen "How long till Hell freezes over?" van Baardwijk
That Was Long Ago Maru


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