--- "J. van Baardwijk" wrote:
"When the US launches a war against Iraq, the
fundamentalists in the Middle East (and elsewhere)
will see this as yet another act of aggression by the
Evil US, and will no doubt strike back with terrorist
attacks. When that happens, US cities will not the be
the only cities in the world where bombs will start
going off."

I think that a US-only war on Iraq will not stay
within the current borders of that country.  Saddam,
his back to the wall, will launch against Israel, and
when Sharon responds, other Arab states will feel
compelled to "do something."  That is a major reason
for working toward a UN-sanctioned action (for which
of course the US will carry the lion's share), IMO. 

>  Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >How many months would the UN last if the US decided
> to pull out of the UN? Not very many I wouldnt

[Jeroen wrote] 
> I think you would be surprised to see how long it
> would last. I think the 
> US often overestimates it importance to the world.

Hmm, well I think it might last a while, but how
seriously would anyone take it?  I'm not trying to be
an arrogant Yang here, but I'm not sure how one could
overestimate the impact of the US on the entire world:
economically, culturally, militarily.  Pretty bloody
big footprint (irony intended)...

GSV Leviathan

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