At 15:36 28-10-2002 -0600, Dan Minette wrote:

> Moderation on a list means that when someone sends a message, that
> message is first read by a moderator, who will then decide whether or
> not that message will be sent on to the actual list.

So, dinging is not moderation according to your definition.  Why did you
call it moderation, then?
First word that came to mind, probably.

"Sounds like an awful lot of work for something that is not really
useful, not really complies with IAAMOAC, and goes against David Brin's
wish that this list be unmoderated."

Posted by you on 10/27 at 2:12 AM CDT, according to my computer.
Yeah, well, that is what your computer says. But your computer is a M$ Windows machine; how much do you trust Bill's Evil Empire? <GRIN>

Jeroen "Question everything -- especially Micro$oft" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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