Gary Nunn wrote:
> Ok, this website is almost scary. At first it reads much like 'The
> Onion",
> but then you realize that it is for real......
> My favorite headline:
> Prayer Teams Deploy Against Buddhist Gathering
> posted - 11 October, 2002
> A 12-day Buddhist celebration is causing pastors
> in Austria to swing into action. Reportedly, they
> are afraid the Tibetan event will "weaken the
> gospel's impact in Europe.....
>I am having a difficult time picturing a "prayer team" swinging
>into action, it almost reminds me of watching the white-hot action 
>of bowling on TV.
> I have always said that the one thing that turns people away from
> Christianity is Christians.

That even gave my wife, a devout Catholic, a good chuckle.

You know, I don't understand why certain Christians think their faith is so weak.  
That is, they seem to be terrified of the invasion of other ideas.  If one's faith and 
beliefs are strong, I don't see why exposure to other ideas is such a problem.  You'd 
think you could open your mind to new experiences without losing your own faith.


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