--- Gary Nunn wrote:
> Ok, this website is almost scary. At first it reads
> much like 'The Onion",
> but then you realize that it is for real......

I did find one link from this site highly amusing
(with a sharp nip or three at one's self-importance
 - the Church of the Blind Chihuahua.

>From their FAQ page:
"What do you mean by "The Courage to be Ridiculous
before God?

Conservative churches emphasize that people have gone
bad, liberal churches emphasize that people were
created good. We emphasize that people are funny, and
that God has a sense of humor. "The Courage to be
Ridiculous before God" is part of what it takes to
admit the truth about ourselves. This is a form of
confession, made endurable, even enjoyable, by humor.
It also pokes fun at Paul Tillich's book, The Courage
to Be."

>From their "What we believe" page:
"Most folks even fall short of the spirit of the Law
as summarized by Jesus and Rabbi Hillel:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your resources, and
you shall love your neighbor as yourself. 

So a few more rules are unlikely to do any good, but
they probably won't do any harm either. Forthwith, in
addition to the Biblical Commandments, we adopt the
following Bylaws:

Hold your beliefs firmly, but gently. 
You are not your beliefs. Ultimately, it is you that
God loves and judges, rather than merely your beliefs.
Beliefs are only a way of verbalizing about religion,
not its content. The experience of God's presence is
the content.

Be gentle with the beliefs of others. 
Otherwise you may miss an opportunity to gain a new
perspective on your own faith which, if your faith is
genuine, will only broaden and deepen it. Moreover,
you will drive away people who may need to partake of
the spritual gifts you have to offer, if you insist on
only your own terms.

Every once in a while, when you assert, "I believe
..." ask yourself just exactly who is it that is
After all, if you don't even know who you are, you
should be very cautious in making assertions about who
God is. This exercise may help you refrain from
projecting your inner demons onto God when you are
witnessing to others."

Heck, there's even a science fiction page.  And anyone
who's motto is "Bring your brain and sense of humor"
can't be too bad!

Dog Spelled Backward Maru

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