At 00:41 31-10-2002 -0500, John Giorgis wrote:

>Also note that his previous postings on the UN suggest that he believes
>non-democratic countries should not have a vote in the more-or-less
>democratic UN because those countries are not democratic themselves.

Actually, I have never stated this.   I have stated that I believe that
the UN should not be the referee in this particular dispute, and I have
also stated that the one-country one-vote principle for all countries is
a very good principle for the UN to use for certain of its roles - the
most important of which I consider to be its role as a talking-shop for
all countries.
Excellent! The posting style, that is (no comments on the content). You really should continue to (as per the subject header) "respond in the style of Jeroen": write calm and reasonable replies, rather than turn to personal attacks, and explain why you disagree with someone's arguments, while only attacking the other person's arguments instead of the poster himself.

Good going, John! There is hope for you yet! :-)

>So, what do we have here? We have one hell of an inconsistency in JDG's
>beliefs. When Cameroon (which he calls a dictatorship) might vote *against*
>America's proposal, he is opposed to a dictatorship having a vote (which
>may or may not be a decisive vote). Yet, when an other dictatorship
>(Singapore) votes in favour of what the US wants, he has no problem with it
>that said country is a dictatorship...

This is not true at all.   I simply stated what the projections of the
votes in the UNSC was.    Not once did I state that I had no problem with
Singapore voting in favor of the US resolution.
True, but you also have not stated that you *do* have a problem with it. At the same time, however, you have been critical of the fact that dictatorships would have a vote in anything.

Indeed, I believe that I have argued that the US need not be putting
a vote to the UNSC at all.
So, tell me, if the US ignores pretty much the rest of the world and unilaterally decides to start a war against Iraq, will the rest of the world be spared the whining and complaining from the US when bombs start going off throughout the US and mushroom clouds appear over Washington DC en NYC?

I hope that you will retract your insulting description of my arguments as
"inconsistent,"  as well as all of your inaccurate descriptions of my

John "Less Insults, More Thoughts" Giorgis
Odd words, when coming from someone who has a very long history of using insults to silence others...

Jeroen "Make love, not war" van Baardwijk

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