At 21:36 06-11-2002 -0500, Jim Sharkey wrote:

>Have any of you people that enthusiastically supported the various
>ad-blocking software programs ever considered the fact that these
>software companies prevent the owners and oeprators of the websites you
>visit from recouperating the costs of maintaining these websites?

I take it you don't change the channels or go to the bathroom during the commercials when you watch TV, then? Or change the station on the radio? Do you read all the ads in the papers and magazines?
Also, John, do you click on each and every banner ad you come across, to go the websites of the companies that are advertising? It is not uncommon for hosting companies to be paid not only for putting up ads on websites, but also to be paid a few cents for every click on a banner ad. By your own reasoning, by not clicking on those banners you are preventing those hosting companies from recuperating the costs of maintaining their services.

Jeroen "Money makes the world go round" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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