At 12:26 15-11-2002 +0100, Ticia Luengo wrote:

Am I reading this right? This guy works up to 80 hr a week and *still* has time to read a ton of books, watch games and movies, worry about being single in NY, and write such long and elaborate emails from the office at 9.30 pm???
He can only do that *because* he is single -- once a woman lures him into her liar, he will not have the time to do all that anymore. :-)

Jeez, working up to 80 hours a week; he should be able to make a living off the overtime pay alone...

--- Where do people find the energy, is what I wonder.
Maybe he buys his weekly supply of Red Bull by the truckload...   :-)

Jeroen "Life in the fast lane" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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