At 08:08 15-11-2002 -0500, Erik Reuter wrote:

If you sleep 8 hours per 24 hour period, then you have 112 waking
hours per week. If you work 80 hours per week, that leaves 32 hours of
non-work time per week. If you think about it, you can do a lot in 32
Non-work time is not the same as leisure time. Some of those 32 hours will be spend on commuting, some of it will be for the grocery shopping, and some of it will probably be called "lunch break". And there are probably some more items on that list.

Now those of us who don't work 80 hours per week can wonder about where
all the time went!
Those among us with a job, a partner and one or more kids will have a pretty good idea about where that time goes... :-)

Jeroen "Life in the fast lane" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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