----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Moderation

> Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.  WTF is going on here?
> I can't even begin to describe how dumb this whole thing has been.  On
the one hand, Jeroen seems to have simply no idea when to stop or the
capacity to see he *might* be doing something wrong; it's like he lacks
that internal voice that says "OK, time to drop it."
> But on the other, how does John get to decide he has to go?

But, Jeroen has posted more on list since he was put on moderation than
JDG.  All he has to do is refrain from statments like his signature

Jeroen "The only good Giorgis is a silent Giorgis" van Baardwijk.

I can find scores of examples of personal attacks like this from Jeroen
from the last month. Do you have any examples of recent posts of JDG that
have similar personal attacks? IMHO, "your ideas don't hold water
because...." is not a personal attack.

Further, what was John supposed to do?  He decided not to reply to Jeroen,
and Jeroen posted a number of emails on the list stating how bad  John is
in response.  John tried answering him off list, and his answers were
posted on list. If you look at the quotes on Jeroen's own web site, you
will see multiple personal attacks over the last few weeks. So, John asked
that the emails be moderated, and the ones with personal attacks be
stopped, and the ones without put through.

Given the number of personal attacks, is that really out of line?  If JDG's
posts and Jeroens were both subject to identical filters, how many of each
would go through?  Indeed, how many of your posts and mine would go
through? Would we be hit more than once in a great while, and then be a
little sheepish about having a post bounced back?

Finally, I think that if one targets JDG for being part of the problem when
he ignores Jeroen or kept his replies offlist, one needs to come up with a
good alternate plan. Since you see some symetry between Jeroen and JDG
here, I'd like to ask: If you want to suggest a course of action for JDG,
what should it be?

Dan M.


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