On Behalf Of Steve Sloan II
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Domain Name BRIN-L.COM For Sale

"J. van Baardwijk" wrote:

> > 3. We don't really need, and I think that it's
> > foolish for any of us to continue to spend money on it.
> > Therefore:  I suggest that we speak with Nick Arnett about
> > the possibility of using the Brin-L section of the mccmedia
> > website as an exclusive source of information on Brin-l.

> You cannot have an exclusive source of information on Brin-L.
> Anyone can set up a website about it, without you being able
> to stop them. In order to have an exclusive source of
> information, you would have to track down everyone else who
> has such a site, and somehow force them to shut it down. Do
> you really think you would succeed in that? And would you
> really want to force Steve Sloan to remove the Brin-L
> section on his site?

I agree. "Exclusive" was a poor choice of words. "Central"
would probaby be better. The mccmedia page could be the
main page, and any extra content list members migtht want
to create would link off from there. Maybe the pages could
even have a consistent look and a common navigation bar,
making them all look like they belong to the same page.

I meant "official" source of info, but Steve's definition works as well.

> > 4. I think that if Jeroen wants to use as a
> > 'bitch site' then he's entitled to do so.  If he does,
> > we always have other options we can employ.

> Such as? A lawsuit to force me to kill that site?

I don't think that's what he meant. The best "other
option" would be putting together an alternative site
offering most of the things your site once offered.

BTW, I really wish people would quit assuming the worst
of others on the list. This is just one example. William
comparing Jeroen to a domain squatter is another. At least
give people some time to stick a knife in your back before
you start worrying about their motives. ;-)

I'm no longer receiving mail from Jeroen so I didn't and won't see this
or any future reply from him.  Suffice it to say that my post was not a
threat.  Any assumption or speculation made by anyone to the contrary
should be classified under 'paranoia' and ignored.  :-)

"Losers assemble in little groups to share their misery and bitch about
the coaches and the guys in other little groups."    
Winners assemble as a team.

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