
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Fox has booked Will Smith
to star in sci-fier "I, Robot," an adaptation of
the 1940s Isaac Asimov short-story collection
that set the groundwork for robot films ranging
from "The Terminator" to "A.I.," Variety reports.


The movie is a futuristic thriller in which a
detective investigates a crime that might have
been perpetrated by a robot, even though that
seems an impossibility given those three
prevailing rules [the three laws of robotics].

"The big idea here is that if the robots have
found a way to violate the laws, there is
nothing to stop them from taking over, because
the human race is so dependent on robots and
automation," said 20th Century Fox film president
Hutch Parker.

Reggie Bautista
VFP I was hoping for a Susan Calvin movie

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