Eating too much refined bread and cereal, rather than chocolate and
greasy foods, may be the culprit behind the pimples that plague many a
That is the theory of a team led by Loren Cordain, an evolutionary
biologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Highly processed
breads and cereals are easily digested. The resulting flood of sugars
makes the body produce high levels of insulin and insulin-like growth
factor (IGF-1).
This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones. These encourage pores
in the skin to ooze large amounts of sebum, the greasy goop that
acne-promoting bacteria love. IGF-1 also encourages skin cells called
keratinocytes to multiply, a hallmark of acne, the team say in a paper
that will appear in the December issue of Archives of Dermatology.
An Australian team will soon test the theory by putting 60 teenage boys
with acne on a low-carbohydrate diet for three months to see if it makes
a difference.


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