
I have some doubts that this is actually from bin Laden, but it does
seem very well crafted to strike chords with every anti-US meme out

Some of the kookier bits:

"(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and
purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality,
intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest."

Personally, those are some of my favorite parts of our culture.

"(i) You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of
Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as
you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies,
contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the
Lord and your Creator. You flee from the embarrassing question posed
to you: How is it possible for Allah the Almighty to create His
creation, grant them power over all the creatures and land, grant them
all the amenities of life, and then deny them that which they are most
in need of: knowledge of the laws which govern their lives? "

Oh dearie me!  We trust ourselves to make laws?  Whatever will come
next?  Women might get jobs, or *shudder* even DRIVE CARS!!!!

"(vi) You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or
advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use
women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your
profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of
women. "

Golly, gee whiz!  Guess we oughtta keep em shrouded in burqas and beat
'em with rifle stocks if they let a lock of hair be seen!

"(vii) You are a nation that practices the trade of sex in all its
forms, directly and indirectly. Giant corporations and establishments
are established on this, under the name of art, entertainment, tourism
and freedom, and other deceptive names you attribute to it."

WOO-HOOO!!!!!!!  USA!  USA!  USA!!!

"(viii) And because of all this, you have been described in history as
a nation that spreads diseases that were unknown to man in the past.
Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS
as a Satanic American Invention. "

Oh, right.  The old "The CIA created AIDS" story.  What, you can't
come up with something more interesting than this?  Yeesh!

"(x) Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway
in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with
their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies,
media and economy. "

Bo-ring.  I mean, we've been hearing from our own home-grown wingnuts
about the Jews controlling everything for decades!

Like I said, I don't think this is Osama - it might be a sympathizer,
but it just doesn't ring true.

Adam C. Lipscomb
"Silence.  I am watching television."  - Spider Jerusalem


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