Update on the biggest fire in recorded Colorado


"Terry Lynn Barton will serve five to 10 years in
federal prison for starting the largest wildfire in
Colorado history if a plea agreement is approved

"The former U.S. Forest Service employee faced 17 to
65 years in federal prison and a $750,000 fine after
prosecutors said she admitted setting the 138,000-acre
Hayman fire outside of Lake George, in the Pike
National Forest south of Denver, on June 8...

"Barton told federal investigators June 15 that she
accidentally started the fire while burning a letter
from her estranged husband in a fire ring. She tried
to put it out but was unable to, she said, because of
tinder-dry forest conditions caused by the drought."

I see that Sydney is in even worse straits (if the BBC
is correct).

"Prairie fire that would outrace a horse" Maru
(from another 'Little House' book)

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