Agree with you on the "dragging out" of the last three episodes. I read somewhere that SciFi channel once thought about broadcasting Taken over 20 weeks, an episode a week. That might account for the slowness of the last few episodes. Now, was it me or did the whole "toxic spill on the North Dakota farm" seem to be borrowing from Close Encounters a bit too much?

On Saturday, December 14, 2002, at 04:21 PM, Gary Nunn wrote:

I watched it and for the most part I liked it. However I agree with you, it
could have been better with some serious editing. The last three episodes
*really* were dragging out, and the last 45 minutes of the conclusion
episode could have been done in about 10 minutes.

I am interested in seeing this on DVD so that I can watch the movie for more
than five minutes straight without a commercial break.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of John Garcia
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Taken

Has anyone watched the SciFi Channel's production Taken? What did you
think about it?

Not too bad, but it could have used some serious editing. I was also
surprised by the body count. Major and minor characters are done away
with at a level that reaches the body count in a Peckinpah movie.




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