--- just john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[I wrote] 
> >As Evil Overlady, I would institute local programs
> >(tailored to the community/culture) to work
> >intensively with folks and their particular
> >addictions, be they food, nicotine or whatever; but
> >after a specified time (to be
> researched/negotiated),
> >if the person returned to the deadly behavior, care
> >for that aspect of their health would be
> eliminated.
> >
> What about potentially useful-to-the-Government
> addictions, like rage and
> aggression?  I think an argument can be made that
> they can shorten
> lifespans, but who better to enlist when you need
> shock troops?

Hmm, I don't think I'd consider these to be
"addictions" in the same sense as alcohol or cocaine,
particularly since both rage and aggression - in
certain situations - actually promote survival.  You
don't have to be "addicted" to rage to benefit from it
at the right time (personal experience speaking here!)
- your oh-so-primeval hormones will kick in and turn
you into a fighting machine (or at least an alpha
bitch ;D ).

And ask the Angosians about tinkering with their
soldiers neuropsych' profiles!  (Next Gen episode: the
surviving veterans were permanently quarantined
because of their aggression.)  As Evil Overlady (the
government) I would not make such a foolishly
dangerous mistake.  ;)

Bonus points for those who come up with *legitimate*
instances of alcohol or cocaine use that promotes
survival (there are several, but they don't involve
addiction either).

GSV Chocoholic

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