I do not believe that technology strongly influences moral norms.  
Psychiatrists and psychologists did not de-medicalize homosexuality or 
inversion until the 1970's (I think).  

If we could have played with our genes in 1950 or 1900 we would have targeted 
the disease of sexual inversion.  Many Western countries played with eugenics 
before NAZI over-the-top crimes made primative gene manipulation through 
selective sterilization unfashionable.  Prior to the end of World War Two 
eugenics was progressive!  

You are right.  Homosexuality won't be on the gene-cutting-room floor, though 
some parents might opt to do so privately.  Nevertheless, I guarantee that we 
we start playing with our own genes we *will* make some mistakes that are 
just as bad as a program to eliminate sexual inversion.  These disasterous 
interventions will be the result of the best scientific, rational progressive 
thought of Western Civilizations best and brightest. 

(Humans *will* play with their own genes.  It is our nature.  All higher 
primates like to play with their own shit.) 

> AFAIK, Homosexuality and Low/High IQ's are not recognized in the medical
> community as diseases.  Mental retardation is, but I'm not sure the
> causes are usually genetic.  Isn't the brain damage most frequently
> caused by oxygen deprivation as a result of drug/alcohol use during
> pregnancy or complications during birth?


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