I saw _The Two Towers_ yesterday.  Very, very good.  I thought the first
half was excellent.  Extremely faithful to the book.  There wasn't anything
I would have changed about it.  The second half wandered a bit from the book
but was still very well done.

Spoiler Space
Hmmmm.... that should be enough...
Random thoughts:

I thought the CGI on Gollum and Treebeard was excellent.  At times, I found
myself completely forgetting that Gollum wasn't being played by a real
person.  There was a time or two when the integration of Merry and Pippin
with Treebeard didn't quite work, but that was a rarity.

I loved Gollum's internal battle of Stinker and Slinker.

The Riders of Rohan were perfect.  Theoden was well done.  Eowyn was great.

The attack on Isengard was great.  The Battle for Helm's Deep was amazing.

I don't like that Gimli has become comic relief.  The dwarves are a noble
race.  There was a little bit of that in the first movie but much more in
this one.  What with the dwarf-tossing and the horse bits and everything

Frodo and Sam were taken to Osgilath?  Huh?  I do not understand the point
of that.  I guess it was to further develop Faramir and to underscore his
rejection of the Ring.  But I thought it made him seem weaker, rather than
stronger.  Didn't like that.

The end of the movie definitely stressed the importance of Samwise to the
quest and his "hero status"...

Best of all, some of the rumors about this film proved to be incorrect.
Arwen was *not* at Helm's Deep though some elves were.  Faramir did take
Frodo and Sam to the secret refuge.  And a few others.

 - jmh


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