----- Original Message -----
From: "Deborah Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Spiders (was RE: advice for the lovelorn)

> --- Kevin Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Yet another reason that any move I make will be
> > farther north. I can take
> > snow and ice and polar bears, but spiders and snakes
> > and other bugs the size of your hand forget it.
> >
> > Kevin T.
> > Was in New Orleans at three in the morning and the
> > sidewalk was covered
> > with huge bugs, may have been roaches. I was not
> > drunk.
> They were roaches, called by some locals 'water bugs.'
>  When we lived in Baton Rouge, I remember pulling the
> sheet over my head to keep the ones crawling on the
> ceiling from dropping onto me.  They can fly, too;
> their natural high-rise towers are the water oaks
> (hence the moniker, I guess), but in the winter they
> find houses more cosy.  Mom used gallons of Raid
> before discovering Roach-Pruf, which is boric acid
> with an attractant (dessicates the creepies from the
> inside out, as they ingest it while grooming).
> <shudder>
> Cats Find Them Delightfully Crunchy Maru
They also breathe the boric acid dust through their spiricules or
what-ever-you-call-them in their legs.
This is the best method I know of to control roaches.

Master Of Roach Life And Death Maru


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