> From: Ronn! Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> >GSV I love New York.  I love New York.  I love New York.  <repeat ad 
> >infinitum>
> Do they have brown recluse spiders up there?

That's funny!  That's exactly what I was thinking.  I lived in an apartment
infested with brown recluses for about 2 1/2 years about 8 years ago.
Brrrrr!!!!  That was very scary.  Especially the part about the management
not really caring all that much!

I don't believe there are recluses in the northeast.  I never heard of them
until I came to St. Louis.  And didn't put the name together with those
little brown spiders that were all over our apartment until we'd been in
there for about a year.  I always figured they were big tarantula sorts of
spiders.  Nope.  Then one of my friends had a problem with them and told me
what they looked like.  Hmmmm, I said, that sounds an awful lot like what we
kill on a regular basis in our apartment!  Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!

Not a fun experience.  Though I did read an article a few weeks ago that
said that brown recluses might not be as deadly as is commonly thought.
Something about there not being a single recorded fatality from a recluse
bite and the fact that lots of reports of recluse bites from from states
where there aren't any brown recluses!  So the research believed that
doctors are misdiagnosising other skin conditions as recluse bites.

I don't know.  I'm just glad I haven't seen one for 8 years!

 - jmh

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