Erik Reuter wrote:

Very few people I know will sweat much from the exertion of riding a
bike at 12mph, the Segway's top speed. In my experience, riding a bike
at 10-12 mph is roughly equivalent to the exertion of walking at 3mph.

I couldn't agree with you more, though my route from the train station to work includes a steep 300 ft climb, and some manner of perspiration, others would have a much milder route. But however logical and practical it may be, you will still not be able to convince many people to get on a bike. It may be because they are worried about rumpling their cloths or getting their pant leg caught in the chain (or appearing extremely geeky by strapping their pant leg or tucking it into their sock). Women with silly shoes will never ride them. It maybe a stigma that a bicycle is a kid's toy and that they feel silly on one.
The bike car on Cal-Train (SF Bay area commuter train that runs between Gilroy and San Francisco) is very popular here and is often so full that they can't let everyone with a bike on, though the demand is much lower this time of year. It is a good idea for those who don't have a problem with riding a bike. But those who feel that they must appear prim and proper, or feel that they must wear silly shoes the Segway (or its cheaper, lighter, more practical future iterations, I hope) is a possible alternative.



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