At 12:50 PM 1/1/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Wed, Jan 01, 2003 at 12:13:30PM -0500, John D. Giorgis wrote:
> At 12:12 PM 12/29/2002 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
> > Bikes are cool, I use mine to commute regularly to and from the train,
> >but there is a huge segment of the population that will never get on a
> >bike for one reason or another.
> Just one example: A great many people either can't or don't want to arrive
> at work after breaking out in a sweat.

Very few people I know will sweat much from the exertion of riding a
bike at 12mph, the Segway's top speed. In my experience, riding a bike
at 10-12 mph is roughly equivalent to the exertion of walking at 3mph.

Erik Reuter

You must be riding a very different bike than me Erik. I know you are using 'much' as a qualifier, and I'm thinking more in the terms of 'at all', but still. When I'm at my in season form, I can easily ride at 18 MPH continuously. (I mean, three hours at that speed, only stopping to refill water bottles. I used to be able to hold 24 MPH <sad face>*) My commute to work is nine miles very flat and even going as slow as I can, like 8 MPH**, I still start to sweat. I'm in a bike club and we talk about this, only two people are able to commute and wear their work clothes while doing it, they are on their bikes for less than 15 minutes. Of the other 30 that commute, we all have to have a change of clothes and at the least take a good wet towel bath.

Not saying you are wrong, just I've seen different results.

Kevin T.
*If it wasn't so cold and ice outside I'd be riding now! Yeah right.
**I tried this to see if I could get to work without having to take a full shower. For a week I left the house extra early and rode as softly as I could. I still wore my bike clothes and had my work clothes on the bike rack. Maybe three of the five days I could have gotten away just a sink bath, but to say I didn't sweat much? No.


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