Marvin wrote:
Ugh.  _Anthem_ convinced me that Ms. Rand probaby isn't worth reading
I have to agree. Rand just does absolutely nothing for me. Of course, I've never been able to make it more than a few pages into any of her novels. There's just something about them that I can't stomach.

The only thing by Rand I've been able to read all the way through is a play called _The Night of January 16th_ for which I did a sound design (which the director inexplicably didn't use*). I was not very impressed by the play either. It's basically a courtroom drama where 12 people are plucked out of the audience at the beginning of the play to function as jurors, and at the end they get to deliberate and come to a verdict.

While this is an interesting concept, Rand's execution is really dull. She gives us no reason to care about any of the characters, and she is also disrespectful of the audience. No matter what verdict the audience/jury makes, the character of the judge is supposed to act like it's the stupidest judgement he's ever heard.

Nope, I don't think you could call me a fan of Rand...

Reggie Bautista

* It was for a community theater group in KCK. This was the first (and only) design I did for this particular director. The director never told me he wasn't going to use my sound design, and never informed me of when the tech rehearsal would be held, and my work and school situation at the time prevented me from going to see the show. I found out from another director with whom I've worked extensively that my design wasn't used, even though my name appeared in the program. The director who didn't use my design, who was also on the board of directors of this community theater group, also abruptly resigned from the board shortly after the run of the play completed. To this day, no one I know has come up with any explanation of what was going on with him.

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