Erik Reuter wrote:
> I can specify a procedure that anyone could use to falsify
> the existence of Pluto.
Pluto is a myth. Just notice how its mass has decreased
during the XX century, from something the size of Uranus
to something smaller than the Moon

Alberto Monteiro

PS: <serious> in the annual meeting of the SAB [Brazilian
Astronomical Society] there is an extra-official meeting of
the SAdoB [Astronomical Society of Brazil - sorry, but
I can't explain _why_ this is a terrific pun for us], where
people present the most weird theories, usually by
mismanaging data. For example, someone took the measure
of the Sun distance to the center of the Galaxy from 
different years, and proved that the Sun's speed is 400 c.
IIRC, this "vanishing Pluto" was another pearl from those


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