John said:

> I think that it is a basic truism that when a service becomes cheaper,
> people demand more of it.

There are markets in which this is only weakly true. For example, the
launch vehicle market is quite inelastic - price reductions don't lead
to an increase in overall demand, because anybody who can afford the
satellite can afford a launch at current prices too. (This is why I
think space industrialisation plans that rely on radically cheaper
launches are a bad idea.) I would imagine that the economics of
abortion are similar.
> Indeed, if provoding the abortions for free isn't providing the
> service to those who would not otherwise ordinarily procure the
> abortion service, then why else would he offer it for free?

So that people use his services rather than those of another doctor
offering abortions. So that he raises awareness of his business. So
that he will in future get a bigger slice of the pie, which is
economically worthwhile for him whether or not the pie is growing.

GCU Invisible Hand


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