At 10:34 AM 1/15/03 +0000, Richard Baker wrote:
John said:

> I think that it is a basic truism that when a service becomes cheaper,
> people demand more of it.

There are markets in which this is only weakly true. For example, the
launch vehicle market is quite inelastic - price reductions don't lead
to an increase in overall demand, because anybody who can afford the
satellite can afford a launch at current prices too.

All those list members who have $20,000,000 US of their very own (not venture capital, etc.) available to spend, raise your hands . . .

All those list members who, by their next vacation could come up with $20,000 for a week-long cruise which, instead of stopping at a few tourist trap islands in the Caribbean, consisted of a loop around the back side of the Moon and a return to Earth¹, by the same sign . . .


"No bucks, no Buck Rogers,"

is true. But so is:

"You've got to have a dream
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna make a dream come true?"

¹Full refund to whoever pushes Kathie Lee Gifford out the airlock the second she starts singing "If they could see me now . . . "

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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