On 16 Jan 2003 at 21:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 1/15/2003 10:17:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > The intended applications of MEG - as far as I can see from reading
> > two papers on it - are in studying brain conditions rather than
> > individual patients. It's a powerful research tool which may for the
> > first time, for example, map the exact areas of the brain affected
> > by various forms of dyslexia and autism.

> that detect activity in specific brain areas. So in one session
> lasting less than an hour one can obtain unbelievable functionally
> correlated anatomic maps. MEG will never be able to duplicate the
> fusion of anatomy and function (one variant of MEG is Magnetic Source
> Imaging in which MEG information is superimposed on anatomic data
> obtained from MR.)

Yes, but the MR data isn't - I believe - real time as the MEG data 
is. Is that correct?
Dawn Falcon


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