William said:

>> I suppose an ontology dependent in that way on epistemology is
>> quite interesting though.
> It is  :)

Things are even weirder than they might seem at first sight though. For
example, consider the planet (or Kuiper belt object) Pluto. Suppose
that there's an isolated valley in New Guinea whose population have
never heard of it. Does that mean that for them, Pluto doesn't exist
but for the rest of us it does? How about for people who believe that
there's empirical evidence for Pluto but who've never seen such
evidence? Are you suggesting that the stuff out there in the world is
as ghostly and insubstantial that its very existence depends on what we
think about it? That seems like a strange position for someone who's
trying to be a realist. What constitutes empirical evidence? Why are
people's feelings about God not such evidence?

Rich, who is now getting weird "Lathe of Heaven"/Egan hybrid story

GCU Adrift On A Ghostly Sea Of Nothingness


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