The seal of confessional, which guarantees that whatever a penitent
confesses may not under any circumstances be divulged by the confessor, is
under attack. According to the Catholic League for Religious and Civil
Rights, as states deal with the problem of child sexual abuse, some are
targeting the traditional priest-penitent privilege that exempts priests
from reporting crimes to the authorities. The League cites as an example of
this assault on the ancient Seal of the Confessional a bill in New Hampshire
providing that the exemption previously afforded would end. But, the League
adds, in the state of Washington, legislative efforts to address the issue
of sexual abuse continue to respect the priest-penitent privilege. Said a
shocked Catholic League president William Donahue: "It is striking that in a
state known for its large share of 'unchurched' citizens, Washington is
showing more respect for the inviolable nature of the seal of the
confessional than in church-going New Hampshire.

Maybe that's because Washington doesn't have an active chapter of Voice of
the Faithful." According to Donahue, a member of the controversial lay
group, one Anne Coughlin, "is the person most responsible for the New
Hampshire bill that attacks the confessional. A Voice of the Faithful
member, she is also a master of spin: She says her actions are 'a defense of
a Catholic institution.'" Incredibly, in a shocking demonstration of guilt
by imagination, Coughlin admits "she has no evidence whatsoever to show that
priests in New Hampshire are being told in the confessional of crimes
against children: 'I can't prove that ever happened. But I'm absolutely
convinced that it has.' "And we're absolutely convinced she's an angry,
embittered Catholic who is jumping on the let's-get-the-Church bandwagon,"
Donahue charged. "There are no doubt many well-meaning Catholics who belong
to Voice of the Faithful," Donahue added. "But it is becoming increasingly
clear that the group also has its share of ideologues, activists who are
publicly boasting of their membership in the organization. This is
unfortunate because people like Ann Coughlin are more of a menace to the
Church than the non-observant. It is time the leadership of Voice of the
Faithful say whether members like Coughlin accurately represent the group's
vision of Catholicism. If she were publicly identified as a Catholic League
member, I would have no difficulty in denouncing her."

Theories Of God Maru
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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