----- Original Message -----
From: "Bradford DeLong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Catholics Could Lose Seal of Confession

> >Bradford DeLong wrote:
> >>But when the Knights Templar were suppressed by Philip the Fair of
> >>France and Pope Clement V in 1307, one of the charges was that the
> >>Templars confessed only to each other and not to other priests--so
> >>that nobody outside the order knew what horrible and foul things
> >  >were going on within the order.
> >confession is only seven centuries old?
> No. Confession is older than that. But the idea that the seal of
> confession could never be broken--that it could not be overridden by,
> say, King Philip the Fair's desire to get his hands on the Templar
> Treasury, or (supposing for the sake of argument that the charges
> against the Templars were true) by the necessities of investigating
> whether Templars were in fact guilty of kissing the anus of a cat,
> worshipping the Egyptian cat-goddess Bast, secret Muslims, open
> userers, secret Jews, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
> The idea that the seal of confession could *never* be broken would
> seem to be less than seven centuries old. If it was older than that,
> why bother to accuse the Templars of the crime of refusing to confess
> to priests outside their own order?
I dont claim to know better, nor to know better than you Brad.
But by itself the logic seems to be a bit weak.
That the Templars confessed only within their own circle would seem to be a
bit incestuous. Add to that the old saw that one cannot have an organisation
within an organisation and you can see why the .........ahem "authorities"
might throw a ton of hyperbole atop a society such as the Templars. I
suppose the .......ahem "authorities" would not be too happy about a
prominent and somewhat powerful group, not under central control, who could
go rogue unexpectedly.

But I find it to be an interesting question either way.

Anyone know where to find a concise history of the confessional?

Not Enough Information Maru
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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