I wrote:

SciFi.com and some other similar sites and mags, often refer
to "genre" books, movies, and TV shows.  By "genre," they
usually mean, science fiction, science fantasy (or "space
fantasy," like _Star Wars_ or the recent Joss Whedon show
Steve Sloan replied:
I disagree with classifying Firefly as space fantasy. (For
the purposes of this post, and since they got rid of it
after the first few episodes, I will ignore the part of the
opening set-up monologue that suggested all the planets on
the show were in the same solar system. ;-) )
Despite being a big Whedon fan, I didn't make it past the first
few episodes. And the intro to which you refer is exactly what
I was thinking about when I classified it as science fantasy.

Since you apparently watched more of it than I, I bow to your
superior knowledge, and retract my classification :-)

Reggie Bautista

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