--- Jean-Louis Couturier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Since when is Jean Chrétien President of France?
> Why do you expect the world to think better of
> America
> than America thinks of the world?
> Do you really believe that America is selfless and
> no
> one else is?
> Jean-Louis Couturier

Jacques Chirac.  It's been a long day.

No.  I think that arguing that France and Germany are
selfless is, almost by definition, ridiculous - when
have they _ever_ acted in such a way?  If you say that
about the US, it's at least possible.  It has
happened.  It's not a constant, or even predominant,
in American policy, but it happens every once in a
while.  The argument - made usually by the left, that
France and Germany oppose us, therefore we are wrong,
is absurd.  The argument that we need "Europe" to
support us when most of Europe _is_ supporting us
(England, Denmark, Italy, Spain, and _all_ of Eastern
Europe just for a start) is equally kind of

In this particular case, we know exactly what "The
Axis of Weasel" is motivated by.  This is a largely
internal power play by the French and German
governments to secure their dominance of the EU and
challenge America's global position before the
countries of Eastern Europe - all of which are
pro-American, since they remember who stood up for
them in the Cold War and who was happy to sell them up
the river - enter the Union and weaken Franco-German
power.  Or do you think it's a coincidence that they
proposed this dual Presidency nonsense for the EU
almost simultaneously?  It's also worth pointing out
that France in particular will get significant
commercial benefits if Hussein remains in power, while
Schroeder is at _25%_ in the polls and has,
historically, attacked the United States any time he
needed a quick boost.  But all of these things are

It is, in fact, possible to construct a coherent
argument opposing the war in Ira

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